
In the Walkers “We love potatoes, so you can love Walkers” OOH campaign, we are creating a series of photographic portraits that are visually striking and deliver the idea of care and attention that goes into the growing of the potatoes so that we can love them. In the resulting photography, we are witnessing a moment of joy/achievement from the farmer, and excitement and wonder from the crisp eater, they are feel good moments.

The performance and expressions of the cast will play an important part in this communication.


Lighting / Framing:

The main objective of the lighting is to draw the attention to the characters. It is clean and defined to bring out all of the details in the action. The backgrounds are secondary, but work as a canvas to set the scene.

Everything is crystal clear and clean, the lighting and use of shadow will define the edges of everything and create the vibrant style. This is a real set up not something that has been shot separately and put together in photoshop.

The use of wider lenses may work to make the characters feel more heroic and give perspective to the foreground food. Golden backlight on the characters will give energy and life to the scene whilst not interrupting the front light, which is on the characters and the food. It is important that the characters’ expressions are clearly visible so that the humour of the moment is delivered through the expression.


Casting / Talent:

From TVC.

It’s good to consider that the range of expressions on the real farmers may not be as wide ranging as our actors/ carefree crisp eaters. Proud and heroic, loving farmers versus down to earth and carefree crisp eaters.


Set / Background:

We will shoot against  simple backgrounds so that the characters and food elements are the main focus. Farmland, fields or farm buildings for the farmer and a feeling of ‘everyday places’ for the crisp eater. This can be more designed once we have the recce images.


Props/ Wardrobe:

From TVC.

It would be good to consider earthy colours for the farm shots and a more vibrant palette for the carefree crisp eater.


Working alongside TVC:

It’s important that the stills unit is completely self sufficient so that we can adapt to any situations that may arise during the shoot days through scheduling or weather issues. I would propose that we have our own lights so we can have preparation time while the TVC are shooting with the cast members, then we can just swap them into our mini setup accordingly. Being mobile and able to adapt will help us to get the most out of the shoot days.


Thank you for your interest in working with me on this campaign, I think it will be a great set of OOH images which will bring a gentle smile to viewers’ faces as we observe the characters experiencing their “Walker’s moment”. I have included some reference images below that help give a flavour of what we will achieve and create in the campaign images.

DAVID_STEWART_WEB_RESIZE_Singleton Fishing River master
DAVID_STEWART_WEB_RESIZE_keeping up with the jones' V2
wren-david-stewart-magnet onions
DAVID_STEWART_WEB_RESIZE_wispa_gold portrait
DAVID_STEWART_WEB_RESIZE_Dead john dory and drop dead girl
wren-david-stewart-Fennal man
DAVID_STEWART_WEB_RESIZE_Scott and Tiago at condor green
DAVID_STEWART_RESIZE_Vodafone aunt cath